home support

  • Our HR policy package was designed by our HR experts to create a comprehensive framework for your organization. Our policies set out your company standards, expectations, disciplinary procedures and create consistency in decision making across your company. Protect your self and your employees by having a transparent, consistent, and formal method for managing your company and employee expectations. Thoughtfully put together, our packages ensure that a framework is in place for your organization. By providing clear communication to your employees through our policy and procedure package, you are managing your employee expectations, protecting yourself and your employees, being transparent about your company rules and creating togetherness through all employees and managers following similar rules and working towards common goals. All of our policy and procedure package templates allow you to easily insert your logo to make these packages your own, and come in a format which can be edited to allow you to add or remove policies and procedures, or edit specific items which are important to the values of your company. Our Home Support Human Resources Policy Package includes:
    • Care Manager Job Description
    • Code of Conduct Policy
    • Companion Job Description
    • Criminal Record Screening Policy
    • Dress Code Policy
    • Health Care Aide (HCA/PSW) Job Description
    • Health Care Workers Immunization Policy
    • Human Resources Manager Job Description
    • LPN Job Description
    • Missed Visits Policy
    • Orientation Policy
    • Performance Appraisal Policy
    • Scheduler Job Description
      Contains 13 customizable policies (MS Word file). Downloadable upon purchase. Click here to view a sample policy. Click here to view The Home Care Academy's return policy.
  • Our Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) policies and procedures were created by our nursing team with the safety of your staff and your clients in mind. Our policies and procedures were designed to reduce the spread of infection. While minimizing the spread of infection may seem like a no-brainer, it often falls victim to complacency. By having policies and procedures in place to ensure staff are accountable to reduce the spread of infection, everyone benefits. Safety is paramount when you are caring for a vulnerable population. Ensuring your staff are compliant with infection prevention protects your staff and your clients. Our two-policy Home Support Infection Prevention & Control package is a great addition to your policy and procedure manuals. All of our policy and procedures package templates allow you to easily insert your logo to make the packages your own, and come in a format which can be edited to allow you to add or remove policies and procedures, or edit specific items which are important to the values of your company. Our Home Support Infection Prevention & Control Policy Package includes:
    • Hand Hygiene Policy
    • Universal Precautions Policy
      Contains 2 customizable policies (MS Word file). Downloadable upon purchase. Click here to view a sample policy. Click here to view The Home Care Academy's return policy.
  • Our seven unique Medication Policies were thoughtfully created by our experienced nursing team. By having a clear medication management practice in place you ensure safety when it comes to prescribed and non-prescribed medications. Our policy creates a transparent medication management program which ensures the safety of your clients and the staff managing the medication. Ensuring staff adherence to your medication policies will help mitigate medication mistakes and keep your clients and staff safe. Having a medication policy in place shows your clients and staff that you are professional and care about them and their safety. All of our policy and procedure package templates allow you to easily insert your logo to make these packages your own, and come in a format which can be edited to allow you to add or remove policies and procedures, or edit specific items which are important to the values of your company. Our Home Support Medication Policy Package includes:
    • Client Self Administration Policy
    • Medication Assistance Blister Pack Policy
    • Medication Assistance Standards (HCA/PSW) Policy
    • Medication Assistance Training Policy
    • Medication Delivery Policy
    • Medication Errors Policy
    • Medication Incidents Policy
      Contains 7 customizable policies (MS Word file). Downloadable upon purchase. Click here to view a sample policy. Click here to view The Home Care Academy's return policy.
  • The Safety Incident Client Reporting policy's purpose is to manage safety incident reporting and investigation. This policy helps to build a learning organization with a focus on continuous improvement for client care and safety. Contains 1 customizable policy (3 pages, MS Word file). Downloadable upon purchase.   Click here to view a sample policy. Click here to view The Home Care Academy's return policy.
  • Just as important as many of our other policy and procedure packages, our Administration policies don't fit into and specific category. These policies and procedures were created through our years of experience building businesses. They are ones that have been created our of need. Some of these policies include tasks such as record keeping, confidentiality agreements, and dealing with client concerns. Our Home Support Administration Policy Package includes:
    • Confidentiality Policy
    • Client Concerns Policy
    • Client Identifiers Policy
      Contains 3 customizable policies (MS Word file). Downloadable upon purchase. Click here to view a sample policy. Click here to view The Home Care Academy's return policy.
  • Our employee Health & Safety Policy will ensure that both your staff and yourself are taking health and safety seriously. These policies commit the entire organization to being a safe workplace. As an employer it is your job to make sure your employees are safe, know how to be safe, and are aware that health and safety is important to your company. Violating or not having a health and safety policy can have serious consequences to your business. By having these procedures in place and having staff continually review them will reduce many of the risks they will encounter in their job as a home care worker. Having safety as part of your culture right from day one can create a safe successful organization. Our Home Care / Home Support Occupation Health & Safety Policy Package includes:
    • Managed Risk Agreement Policy
    • Needle Stick Injury Policy
    • Occupational Health & Safety Policy
      Contains 3 customizable policies (MS Word file). Downloadable upon purchase. Click here to view a sample policy. Click here to view The Home Care Academy's return policy.

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Our team has the experience to tailor solutions to your small business. We will work with you to create a support package to suit your needs.

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