Home Care Business

Conflict Resolution


Conflict Resolution I think it's safe to say that conflict can happen in any workplace and workplace conflict is no stranger to the stressful world of Home Care. Conflict is defined as "a condition in which a person experiences a clash of opposing wishes or needs". Conflict can be everywhere in our industry; between clients and their families, between caregivers and clients, between caregivers and supervisors, etc. Being in such a delicate role and dealing with the whole array of human emotions and conditions can be a tightrope walk. Conflict is inevitable, but having the right coping skills, a good [...]

Conflict Resolution2021-06-01T09:22:13-06:00

To Start or Not to Start; That is the Question


To Start or Not to Start; That is the Question I think we can all agree that 2020 was quite a year. The pandemic, the economy, the uncertainty, unemployment, hundred year old businesses going under, stimulus packages, and so much more; it's hard to know what the rest of 2021 will bring, let alone what tomorrow will bring. There is so much fear about the uncertainty that it makes it hard to think about anything else. Sometimes I wonder what we talked about before this pandemic started. If you follow conventional wisdom, maybe this is the worst time to make [...]

To Start or Not to Start; That is the Question2021-05-10T09:34:15-06:00

How To Start A Home Care Business In Canada


I want to start a business – but where do I start?! Picture this. You have recognized there is a serious need for home care. You have recognized that you can fill that need. You have recognized that you can be successful and have the work ethic and ambition to start your own business.   You can't wait to get started. You have so many ideas. You have so much to offer. But where do you start!? Here are some of our tips to get the wheels spinning and get you on your feet! Get On-line You need to [...]

How To Start A Home Care Business In Canada2020-12-08T12:27:24-07:00

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