Home Care / Home Support Policies & Procedures

Policies communicate a company’s culture, values, and mission. They cover what employees can expect from the company, what the company expects from employees, as well as what customers can expect from the company.

The process of creating your business’s policies and procedures can be extremely time consuming and overwhelming. Our experts have created various policies that are in accordance with Canadian laws and with Accreditation Canada regulations that you can purchase depending on your needs.

Have a look at what we have to offer, as well as some sample policies and procedures.

Click on the Policies tab in the upper left for more information on policies and the types of policies we offer.

Home Care & Home Support Policies

Administration policies are a set of rules that govern the procedures for managing an organization.   They include what the company should expect of an employee and what the employee should expect from the company. They are key to promoting a positive, safe, and productive work environment while also establishing efficiency, consistency, responsibility, and accountability.

These policies should include office rules, businesses expectations and values.

Certain Human Resource (HR) policies are requited by law, such as ones pertaining to harassment, sick leave, pay policies and more.

HR policies are meant to provide frameworks for an organization, within which consistent decisions can be made, and through which equality in the way people are treated can be promoted.

The implementation of strong HR policies can help an organization demonstrate, both internally and externally, that it meets the requirements for diversity, ethics, and training required in today’s workplace, and meets its commitments regarding regulation and corporate governance of employees.

HR policies set out obligations, standards of behaviour and document disciplinary procedures (among other things).

Nursing policies and procedures protect the caregiver (HCA, LPN, or RN) and the client from confusion and harm. They offer guiding principles as well as actionable instructions.
A company’s occupational health and safety policy is a statement of principles and general rules that serve as guides for action. Senior management must be committed to ensuring the policy is carried out with zero exceptions. The occupational health and safety policy needs to have the same importance as all other policies of the company.
A marketing policy is similar to a company’s business code of ethics. Although some are more specific than others, each addresses aspects of responsible marketing the business considers most important. For example, Coco-Cola’s marketing policy – which focuses on children – includes  guidelines for the different marketing channels it uses as well as for product placement in schools and youth organizations.
The purpose of the Medication policies is to establish guidelines to promote the health and safety of clients by ensuring the safe assistance and administration of medication and treatments or other necessary procedures.
The implementation of Infection Prevention & Control policies determines the expectation that all staff – office and field (caregivers) in the home care company have the knowledge, skills, and training required to consistently implement effective IP&C practices in their area of work.
Payroll policies describe the payroll process a it relates to administration of salaries, timekeeping, payroll schedules and payment methods. Procedures documented in a payroll policy ensure a clear and defined process, efficient payroll activities, availability of forms and appropriate controls. A company with established payroll policies and procedures can assure employees of accurate and timely payment of wages.
It is important to the health and safety of your caregivers as well as your client’s that medical equipment is properly maintained. Whether its is owned by the company or owned by the client, providing policies regarding maintenance of equipment is important.   Either using the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance or developing your own maintenance schedules, safe work procedures and practices you can ensure long life of equipment, but more important, safety to the user.

All of the above policies are specific to Home Care or Home Support businesses. We are able to customize packages to ensure you get the policies you need to be successful.

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***If you see a policy below that you would like more information on, or would like to purchase, but it is not clickable (hasn’t been added to the site yet), contact us at info@thehomecareacademy.com and we can arrange for it to be sent to you directly.

Home Support Policies (Non-Medical)

Home Care Policies (Medical)

Administration Policies

Client Concerns Policy

Client Identifiers Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Respect In The Workplace Policy

Staff Education Training Policy

Workplace Accommodation Policy

Pet Care Policy

Foot Care Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Termination of Employment Policy

Occupational Health & Safety Policies

Needle Stick Injury Policy

Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Managed Risk Agreement Policy

Medications Policies

Client Self Administration of Medications Policy

Eye Drops Policy

Medication Administration Policy

Medication Administration Record

Medication Assistance – Blister Pack System Policy

Medication Assistance Training Policy

Medication Delivery Policy

Medication Errors Policy

Medication Assistance Standards (HCA/PSW) Policy

Medication Incidents Form

Over Counter Eye Medications Policy (HCA/PSW)

Infection Prevention & Control Policies

Hand Hygiene Policy

Hand Hygiene Procedure

Universal Precautions Policy

Nursing Policies

Bathing Safety Policy

Body Mechanics Policy

Choking Prevention & Management Policy

Client Rights Policy

Dementia Client Rights Policy

Documentation Requirements Policy

Hand Hygiene Policy

In and Out Catheter Policy

Nutrition & Hydration Policy

Oxygen Administration Policy

Perineal Care Policy

Safe Food Handling Policy

Safe Transfers & Positioning Policy

Safety Incident Client Reporting Policy

Transfer Belts Policy

Wound Management Policy

Additional Policies / Documents

Accreditation Documents

Hand Hygiene Audit

Medication Reconciliation Audit

Administration Policies / Documents

Client Concerns Resolution

Client Safety Disclosure of Harm

Collection, Access, Use and Disclosure Information

Community Engagement and Communication

Conflict of Interest

Contractor Requirements for Security & Privacy of Information & IT Resources

Delegation of Authority for Compliance with FOIPP & the HIA

Emergency Response Codes

Appendix A: Emergency Response Codes

Ethics Framework

Foot Care

Immediate & Ongoing Management of Clinically Serious Adverse Events

Information Security& Privacy Safeguards

Intellectual Property

Information Classification

Privacy Impact Assessments

Quality Improvement

Records Destruction

Reporting of Clinical Adverse Events, Close Calls & Hazards

Risk Management

Safe Disclosure, Whistle Blowing

Staff Education and Training

Suicide Prevention and Management


Transitory Records

Workplace Accommodation

Information Technology Policies / Documents

Access to Information (Physical, Electronic, Remote)

Cellphones and Other Mobile Devices

Email & Internet Acceptable Usage

Email & Internet User Agreement

Information Technology Acceptable Use

Social Media

Transmission of Information by Facsimile or Electronic Mail

Maintenance Policies

Equipment Preventative Maintenance

Medical Equipment Procedure

Preventive Maintenance


Post Fall Management

Sleep Pattern

Ethics Framework

Ethics Framework

Ethics Reporting Concern

Ethics Worksheet

Human Resources Policies / Documents


Communicable Disease Assessment

Confidentiality Agreement Annual

Criminal Check Procedure

Criminal Security Check

Dress Code-Office Staff

Drug and Alcohol Policy (including smoking)

Education Job Description

Employee Recognition

Employee Termination Check

Exit Interviews

Job Ad – HCA/PSW

Job Ad – Scheduler

Job Description: Marketing Manager

Job Description: Preventative Maintenance

Leave of Absence

Live-In Caregiver

Office Rest Periods


Progressive Discipline Policy and Procedure

Recruitment and Employment Practices

Resignation Confirmation

Respect in the workplace

Screening Employees

Sexual Harassment

Sick Time

Travel Expenses


Working Alone

Workplace Accommodation

Workplace Health and Safety

Workplace Issue Resolution

Workplace Violence

Termination of Employment

Medication Policies / Documents

Administration Medication

Administration of Narcotics/Controlled Medication

Antimicrobial Stewardship


Appendix A

Cytotoxic Medication Administration

Ear Drops

Hazardous/Non Hazardous Medication

HCA/PSW over counter eye medications

Medication Administration Record

Medication Double -Check

Medication Reconciliation

Medication Reconciliation

Nitro/Narcotic Transdermal Patch

PRN Administration of Medications

Education Policies / Documents

Restrictive Activities

Nursing Policies / Documents

Advance Care Planning & Goals of Care Designation

Appendix A: Restraints as a Last Measure

Assessment and Person Centered Planning

Care Plans and Case Management

Catheter Insertion Recommendation and Care



Client and Family Centered Care

Client Assessment Care Plan Care Conference

Client Identifiers

Client Safety Incident Guidelines

Do Not Use Dangerous Symbols

Falls Prevention and Management Program

Foot Care

In and Out Catheterization

Incident or Accident Report Procedure

Incident/Accident Report

Invasive Infusion Line and Tubing Verification

Medical Assistance in Dying

Medical Equipment Procedure

Oral Hygiene

Oxygen Therapy

Palliative End of Life Care

Perineal Care

Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Restraints as a Last Measure

Restraints as a Last Measure Procedure

Return Home Following Hospital Admission (Need Guidelines)

Risk Management for Falls

Safe Bathing Temperature

Safe Bathing Temperature Procedure

Safe Client Handling

Safe Shower Temperatures

Transfer Belts

Tub Bath Procedure

Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis

Wheelchairs and Assistive Devices

Wound Management

Infection Prevention & Control Policies / Documents

Guidelines for Reporting Infections

Hand Hygiene Procedure

MSRA Guidelines Alberta

Occupational Exposure to Blood & Body Fluids

Waste Management

Emergency Preparedness Policies

Emergency Preparedness


Triaging for Emergency Preparedness


Fax Transmission

HCA/PSW Skin Observation Guidelines

Reporting Abuse

Working in Home Care